Mariana Hofer
Houston Texas
Illustration by Carla Andrea Martínez Agency 361
Mariana, proudly born in Guatemala where she lived with her family for 29 years of her life, currently lives happily in Houston, Texas with her husband and 2 daughters, 9-year-old Hanna and 6-year-old Emiliana.
She shares with us that she is a sports fan, running being one of her favorite practices. Running helps her to have mental clarity and analyze different problems and find a solution. Definitely highly recommend it.
Mariana has been working at AlEn USA for 7 years, where she is very happy and has been able to overcome several challenges. She is a marketer and her expertise is in the commercial area, and she currently works as Senior Brand Manager of the Ensueño brand, a very pleasant journey for her because, together with her team, she has been able to position it as the first Hispanic brand offering a complete service in the laundry area. Mariana shares with us that she sees the brand as a son, and that is why she takes great care of it and wants it to always be successful.
When she arrived in the United States, Mariana was not afraid to reinvent herself, starting her new life from scratch. She had to understand, search, research, and work to move forward, always keeping in mind her desire to start a family and settle her personal life. She is currently very stable, and she feels very grateful to AlEn since it opened its doors to her at a time when she still felt vulnerable with the transition, and her arrival at the company helped her reinforce a sense of belonging and commitment in her new life.
For Mariana, her mother Hilda is her greatest inspiration since, thanks to her leadership and the values of work and family that she instilled in her and her sister since they were young, she has been able to see the world in a more responsible manner. She also hopes to be a great example for her two daughters and inspire them to achieve everything they set out to do.
Mariana is characterized by being a passionate, generous, and responsible woman. Her message to other women is to seek their own voice, to be genuine in all their senses and strong with their decisions and endeavors. Let's seek unity among us, because together we can achieve great things. Let's continue building the future of our families and countries.
“Don't be afraid to reinvent yourself.“
- Mariana Hofer, Senior Brand Manager