Blanca Preciado
Guadalajara, Jalisco
Illustration by Tomás Valdéz
Text prepared by Mayela Vázquez
Blanca is a predominantly feminine name of Germanic origin whose meaning is "Bright" and that is how our colleague and friend, Blanca, shines in life.
Blanca is a native of Juanacatlan, Jalisco and mother of 5. In her spare time she is a born entrepreneur as she enjoys selling perfumes, food and beauty products, among others, and is currently part of the AlEn family.
Blanca, or "Güera" as those who know her best call her, came to AlEn 15 years ago, and although life took her down a different path, it was on January 2, 2018 that she returned to our great family. She is an unreachable warrior, eager to improve herself day by day and without fear of making mistakes; life has been her best school and AlEn the place where she has found a great family.
Blanca's talents are unique, at the age of 12 she began to ride horses and to enjoy the Escaramuza Charra; she remembers that in those days and due to the economic situation, it was difficult for her family to support her with the beautiful costumes and all the costs that this sport demands. In spite of this and with the determination that characterizes her, years later she managed to become a skirmish and even trains teams. Without a doubt Blanca is a great example that it is never too late to fulfill our dreams.
Today her priorities have changed, her family takes first place in her life and she has big dreams to share with them, like being able to visit the beach very soon. Blanca knows that despite the challenges that can be experienced as a family, the richness of life is in the small moments that we can enjoy with those we love the most. While she prepares to fulfill this dream, because she will surely achieve it as everything she sets her mind to; Blanca spends time with her AlEn teammates learning new skills. Recently she feels very proud because her computer skills have improved, all thanks to her AlEn teammates who are always willing to support her.
Blanca is grateful to all the friends she has found in AlEn, she enjoys walking through the lines, greeting them, smiling at them and listening to them. In difficult times all these great friendships have been there for her and now she wants to give back a little of that warmth. For Blanca the most important thing is to trust in her inner strength, believe in her dreams and know that it is never too late to fulfill them, because with determination and that "extra" that we can all give, the word IMPOSSIBLE is not in her dictionary. Blanca, thank you for inspiring us to shine!
“To achieve you have to strive, you have to give more than you give.“
-Blanca Preciado, Production Operator, Guadalajara, Mexico.