Villahermosa, Tabasco February 16, 2018 – Planta Villahermosa from Grupo AlEn received the re-certification as Clean Industry granted by the Federal Bureau of Environmental Protection (PROFEPA) recognition obtained, based on the General Law for Ecology Balance and Environmental Protection.

Among the environmental performance of Plant Villahermosa, the decrease in electrical power, water, and LP gas, residual waters discharges and total emissions is outstanding.

"Grupo AlEn carries out an ethical and responsible management of the business, while it fosters social development and takes care of the environment. We feel very proud for receiving the re-certification for Clean Industry in Plant Villahermosa, ratifying the continuous improvement efforts for a responsible management with the environment and our surroundings in our operations. We recognize and congratulate all the work team that made this possible, who are an example of our vision of working for a cleaner and more sustainable world", was expressed by Vicente Vicencio Galindo, Director of Supply Chain.


The sustainability culture is an integral part of the business strategy at Grupo AlEn, bringing about the economic, social, and environmental development in the communities where it is established.


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