For the tenth consecutive year we have been recognized as Socially Responsible Enterprise (ESR) by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (Cemefi) and the Alliance for Enterprise Social Responsibility (AliaRSE), this due to the commitment the community and our surroundings experience by each one of us who are part of this great family.

We are a Mexican enterprise that undertakes voluntarily actions that benefit social development and care for the environment. Amongst some of the actions contributing to receiving such recognitions we find:

  • ISocial investment in wellness and cleaning projects, environment, education and community development by Fundación AlEn..
  • AAlEn Recycle, initiative with which we were able to collect more than 50,000 tons of plastic per year, that are used in the production of new bottles for our products.
  • AGROFORESTAL, Agroforestal transforming the Mexican fields, generates employment and develops small producers reforesting more than 10,000 hectares with palm and pine tree in the Southeast of Mexico.
  • Responsible operation, our employees, year by year have been able to make a more efficient use of natural resources, decreasing the consumption of energy, water, CO2 emissions and generation of waste in our plants.

"This distinction is thanks to our employees, shareholders, suppliers, clients, and consumers who help contributing in a positive way in our environment" mentioned Enrique García Gamboa Co-President and General Director of Grupo AlEn. "This distinction is a reflection of the commitment that our employees live every day to have a cleaner and more sustainable world" ended Mauricio García Muñoz, Co-President and General Director of Grupo AlEn.


Celebran Viva Aerobus y CLORALEX® alianza para cuidar la salud de los pasajeros

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Ante COVID-19, Fundación AlEn donará más de un millón de botellas de Cloralex® y Pinol®

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