At Grupo AlEn sustainability is and has been our purpose since many years ago, we are totally convinced that in order to ensure the present and future of our operations we require to have a production that is in harmony with the community and the environment.

That is why we work under a circular economy model that enables us to generate the appropriate conditions to continue bringing hygiene and wellness solutions with options with biodegradable formulas in efficient and recycled packaging to homes in Mexico, United States, Central America, and the Caribbean. Recycling is a key part within such model, reutilizing waste and transforming it into inputs for our production process for bottles.

Along this time, we have created the Global Recycling Day into a daily celebration; initially our products were distributed in returnable glass containers, this with the purpose of reusing them and decreasing waste generation, as well as the consumption of fossil fuels. Later, in 1994 we continued transforming ourselves, we anticipated changes in the environment and adopted plastic as a new input in the fabrication of our bottles; one year later we started different recycling activities for that input, which led to currently having 2 PET and HDPE recycling plants, where we bring to life more than 50,000 tons of plastic per year, avoiding having them end in the garbage.

This May 17, invite your family and friends to experience the recycling culture:

  • Sharing the 3R culture, Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling, with this, we will have a greater responsible consumption./li>
  • If you are in Monterrey become an ambassador of the #AlEnRecicla program, promoting the collection of PET and HDPE in our machines located at AlEn facilities, BBVA Bancomer Stadium, University Stadium, Walmart La Fe, Pabellón Ciudadano.

This is how we celebrate the global recycling day at AlEn every day, working for a cleaner and more sustainable world.


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